Am I allowed to use the login credentials of
another person to access the database?
(Alternanthera philoxeroides)
Found an invasive species? Register for a free login account, or submit a public report.
Contribute Data
One of the goals of the Pennsylvania iMapInvasives program is to be the best and most reliable source of invasive species distribution data in Pennsylvania.
Find out how to contribute your invasive species data to iMapInvasives by learning about the data types available.
Watch our observation training video.
Then take our quiz to start entering your own observation data.
Expand on your observation data by creating an Assessment record:
Delimit infested area
Describe reasons for site disturbance
Indicate severity of invaded land
Searching a specific area for invasive species? You'll want to create a Survey record:
Delimit area surveyed
Account for all target species searched for
Capture both presence and absence data
After conducting efforts to manage or control invasive species, make sure to document the specific action with a Treatment record:
Delimit treated area
Describe your specific management action and goals
List all targeted species
Infestation Management
If you're a land or preserve manager, keeping tabs on an actively managed piece of land is important to you, and therefore, so is the Infestation Management record:
Delimit a specific managed area
Quickly know how long this area has been under management
Visualize progress made overtime with specific treatments
Set up email alerts and be the first to know when high priority invasive species are reported.
Data Analysis Tools
Using iMapInvasives to track invasive species data is much easier when you know all the tools available for use. This guide explains more on:
Map functionality
Lasso tool
Observation custom query
Assessment, Survey, and Treatment custom queries
Reporting data to iMapInvasives just got easier with our mobile app.
Take a picture. Note the species found. Done.