Am I allowed to use the login credentials of
another person to access the database?
(Alternanthera philoxeroides)
Found an invasive species? Register for a free login account, or submit a public report.
Overview & Registration
The purpose of this training is to aide users in their understanding of the many ways in which iMapInvasives can be put to use. Anyone with an interest in learning more about iMapInvasives may register for this training.
The following are various examples of how individuals and organizations are utilizing iMapInvasives, more of which will be discussed throughout this training session:
A 4-H or scout group surveys a local park for common invasive species and captures their findings in iMapInvasives as observation data.
A graduate student analyzes distribution data in iMapInvasives and uses this information to write a scientific paper and conduct a research project.
A park manager learns what specific invasive species are affecting the properties she manages by creating a customized data query.
A CWMA group managing a population of Japanese knotweed captures assessment, survey, and treatment data over the course of many years. In order to view their efforts as a whole and track their progress made towards control/eradication, the group creates and maintains an infestation management record.
A non-profit group performing invasive management efforts and operating on grant funding gleans information needed for grant reports by utilizing projects and customized data queries.