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Water chestnut (Trapa natans)

White Perch

Photo credit:  © Robert Aguilar, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

(Morone americana)

Report this Species!

If you believe you have found this species in its invasive range in Pennsylvania, please report your findings to iMapInvasives by submitting an observation record.

Species at a Glance

Learn more about the white perch and its impacts by viewing information available in our Gallery of Invaders.

Range Information

The map below depicts both the native and invasive ranges of white perch in Pennsylvania, displayed using a HUC 12 watershed layer.

Data used to create this map was provided by Pennsylvania's Field Guide to Aquatic Invasive Species (2015).

Native range

Invasive range

Pennsylvania iMapInvasives, invasive here but not there, White perch, Morone americana

The Pennsylvania iMapInvasives Program is a partnership of the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program, and NatureServe.

Funding for Pennsylvania iMapInvasives is provided by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.

thumbnail_NatureServe new logo_H color (3).png
Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program, iMapInvasives partner
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative logo, iMapInvasives funding source
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