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(Alternanthera philoxeroides)
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Level 2
General Description
As a Level 2 user, you will have access to creating, editing, viewing, and querying observation records. An observation record describes the details of what, where, when, and reported by whom of an invasive species sighting. Observation records may include optional information on site access, directions, and general comments.
Examples of Level 2 users include dedicated citizen scientists, Master Gardeners, 4-H members, and park volunteers.
Mapping an observation point in iMapInvasives.
Data Available to Enter and View
As a Level 2 user, access is granted to enter data for observations (point-level data).
Data available for viewing includes:
County and watershed-level species distributions
Observation data
Map showing watershed-level distribution data for zebra mussels.
Downloading Privileges
As a Level 2 user, observation data that you entered OR are an observer for may be downloaded from iMapInvasives.
*Note: To download additional data outside of these restrictions, please contact the Pennsylvania iMapInvasives administrator.
Required Training
To gain access to User Level 2 privileges, complete one (or more) of the following training options:
Watch one of the "Basic" pre-recorded trainings IN FULL and contact the administrator afterwards to receive credit in your iMapInvasives account.